Find, filter and structure information from 100’s of documents – in seconds.
Become an AI-augmented lawyer with zero training.
SpringLaw is a highly powerful legal-specialised data processing pipeline built for ultimate reliability and accuracy.
Draft, extract, compare, rewrite, structure, research, and ideate securely and with complete client privilege compliance.
Discover SpringLaw Chats
Turn your Practice's unique knowledge, expertise and processes into powerful workflow automations and client-centric solutions.
Now, you can make GenAI work for you.
Rock-solid security
SpringLaw is the legal world's favourite GenAI platform. Join 6000 lawyers with 50% monthly active usage.
Easy to use. Versatile. Reliable.
30x faster than any dev team
Configure workflow that match how YOU work.
Test 90% of your use case ideas within less than 1 day.
Deploy with 1 click.
More accurate than a Lawyer
SpringLaw runs on Springbok AI's research-backed, data pipeline, which was tested to outperform Senior Associates by 15% (Dentons, 2023)
Train & Go
Leverage existing teams or up-skill your most enthusiastic lawyers to become Makers using SpringLaw Wizards.
Perfect for those with Legal Engineers or Data Scientists ready to build deployable tools.
Contact us for pricing
Concierge Service
Accelerate your progress.
Hands-on workshops to create tools - together with you - using SpringLaw Wizards.
Perfect for setting up your practice specific toolkits for everyday legal work.
White-Glove Service
We take the heavy lifting off your hands completely. Achieve the highest performance and User Experience. Springbok-guarantees the performance.
Perfect for creating highest-quality client solutions.
Contact us for pricing
1. Book your first call
We understand where you are now
See a bespoke demo
Gen-AI "power hour"
Decide who gets trial access
2. Trial SpringLaw
for 14 days for free
Start your trial
Concierge onboarding training
2x weekly insight calls
Hands-on support to turn one
concrete use case idea into a tool
3. Extend to Pilot
or Licence
General User and Legal Engineer
Training - intensity is based on
your package
Weekly usage insights
Regular LLM briefings
Optional. hands-on support
creating workflow automations
and client-centric solutions
30% of the firm say SpringLaw has "completely changed the way they work".
Sidekick enables CRS to rapidly turn long lists of use case ideas into customised GenAI-powered legal tools, becoming the critical tool for CRS’ Legal Engineers.